Do you eat the rainbow?

Happy Monday, Reader! Let's talk about why you should...

When I say eat the rainbow, I am sadly not referring to Skittles lol. I am talking about the naturally rich rainbow we find in all the different fruits and vegetables that are (hopefully) stocked in our kitchens. From the vibrant red peppers to the forest green broccoli and the rich purple we see in eggplant and grapes, these colors aren’t just for looks, they provide us with key information about their health benefits. Generally speaking, bright colors seen in many fruits and veggies are a sign of high-flavonoid content, which may have you thinking...

What are flavonoids, anyways?

Flavonoids are powerful phytochemicals that can have a profound impact on your health. There are 6 different subcategories of flavonoids and each provides different benefits to the body. One of the more recent studies demonstrated the benefit high flavonoid intake has on a person's cognition as they age (cognition meaning overall brain function and memory), which is pretty exciting if you ask me. Anyways, if you want to know more about the 6 different categories of flavonoids and how each one can benefit you, then keep on reading 🤓


First up, we have FLAVANOLS which are super rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants help protect your body from toxins and damage that can lead to chronic health conditions. Foods high in flavanols include onions, yellow peppers, broccoli, kale, grapes, tomatoes, peaches, and spring onions. Onions contain the highest levels of flavanols from this list, so if you are a fan then make it a point to add onions to as many of your meals as possible!

2. FLAVAN-3-OLS 🫖🍎🍫

Flavan-3-ols are the next subcategory and are known for their high-nutrient profile. With high levels of nutrients, comes high levels of benefits. Some of those benefits include antioxidant, anticarcinogen, antimicrobial and neuroprotective effects. Many different types of tea are high in flavan-3-ols, such as white, green, black, and oolong tea. Black tea, however, has the best source of this category of flavonoids. In addition: apples, red grapes, blueberries, strawberries, and dark chocolate are also high in these types of flavonoids.


Flavones are next on the list and contain anti-inflammatory properties. Out in the wild, these phytochemicals act as a natural pesticide protecting the leaves of these kinds of plants from being eaten up. Foods high in flavones include peppermint, celery, red pepper, parsley, and chamomile. Parsley contains the highest level of flavones from this list (both dried and raw).


Flavanones are also anti-inflammatory and have been shown to improve cholesterol levels when consumed regularly. This includes your citrus foods like oranges, limes, lemons, and grapefruit as well as tomatoes!


Isoflavones are antioxidant compounds that can reduce cholesterol and can have either estrogenic or antiestrogenic effects (depending on the hormone status of that person). The most well-known source of isoflavones is the soybean and other soy products. They are also found in other herbs such as red clover and alfalfa.


Anthocyanins are actually what give pigment to many foods and can be found in foods that have those deep red, blue or purple tones. These phytochemicals are useful in helping to prevent cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and other metabolic diseases. They also have shown to have a neuroprotective effect. Foods high in anthocyanidins are blueberries, strawberries, elderberries, and black currants.

BUT WAIT- How do I know how much to add to my diet?

Keep it simple! Do not overcomplicate your life by trying to measure how many flavonoids are in each food and how many you should be consuming per day. Just stick to trying to consume a VARIETY of at least 3 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruit per day. The higher the variety the higher the benefit.

Hopefully, now you have a better understanding as to why you should be eating the rainbow. Making sure that you consume flavonoids regularly is an excellent way to be using food as medicine to help reduce your risk for disease and improve your overall level of health. If you want more personalized guidance on improving your health, especially by using FOOD AS MEDICINE, I'd love to work with you. Please click here to book an appointment with me!

Wishing you health & happiness always,

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This email has been created to provide information about health and wellness and the naturopathic services of Arreola Naturopathic, Inc.; however, please note that the information found on this email, including links to blogs, is for educational and informational purposes only and is NOT intended as, and must not be understood or construed as, medical care or advice. Nothing found on this email is intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment of a qualified healthcare professional familiar with your situation. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult one-on-one with a licensed health care professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health related advice from your healthcare professional because of something you may have read on this email. If you are located in California, please book a Discovery Call to learn more about becoming a patient of Arreola Naturopathic, Inc.

Arreola Naturopathic

- Holistic Gut Health & Clinical Nutrition - Preventative Integrative Health Care - Weight Neutral Provider

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